
Godly Attributes of a Believer Part 4

We all have a life curriculum that we are required to work on. It’s up to you to discover what your’s is and work on it throughout your life. Journal this journey, both the discovery of what it is that you need to work on, and how the journey progresses every day!

In order to successfully struggle against yourself, you must know your character intimately, your strengths, your weaknesses. How? Sit down with a pen a paper and write down your character flaws and weaknesses.

Once you’ve drawn up your list, you now know what you need to work on. This is a lifetime commitment.

Am I prone to anger?
Do I judge others fairly, or am I harshly critical (both in what I say and what I think)?
Am I stingy with my money or my time?
Do I speak curtly, making people feel that I have not time for them? (This is unkind, even if we are busy.)
Do I avoid saying or doing what I believe is right because I fear how others will react or what they will think of me?
Am I moody? Do I make people around me feel that they are somehow responsible for my moods? Does my unhappiness affect the atmosphere of my home, transforming, often in a matter of minutes, a general feeling of pleasantness and goodwill into one of tension and sadness? (Taking away the good mood of those around us and lowering their spirits is a cruel, even if unintentional, act of aggression.)
Do I treat strangers with more consideration than members of my own family?
Do I take other people’s kind behavior for granted, or do I go out of my way to express thanks and help those who have been kind to me?
Do I blame my wrongful actions and mistakes on others, or do I take responsibility for the wrong I do?
Do i jump to conclusions and blame other people before I know all the facts?
Am I able to control my impulses, or do I give in to temptation easily?
Do I bear grudges and remain angry at others for a long time after an argument?
Am I tardy, and thereby waste other people’s time by keeping them waiting?
Do I rationalize dishonesty with excuses such as “Business is different?”
When I hear of other people’s suffering or misfortunes, do I find ways to help them, or do I fee sadness in my heart but do nothing?
Am I jealous of the success of others? Do I begrudge others their good fortune?

Once identified, start working on one quality at a time.


Godly Attributes of a Believer Part 4

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